Team-facing interfaces can be localized into multiple languages to improve the non-English team experience.


Any capable FRC community member is welcome to contribute translations. Log into and request access to the Nexus for FRC project.

Supported languages

  • English (source)
  • Spanish
  • Turkish
  • Hebrew (looking for contributors)
  • Portuguese (looking for contributors)

Want to add a new language? Email

Contribute translations

  1. Familiarize yourself with the interface & translation process
  2. Once you have access, return to the Nexus for FRC project and select the language you would like to translate
  3. Select any string that needs translation and do your best!
  4. If there’s not enough context provided to accurately translate, leave a comment

Localazy interface


Major contributors by language:

  • Spanish
    • Ivan, Alejandro, Fermin from FRC teams 6017 & 7421
  • Turkish
    • Oğuzhan