The Pick-a-Pit system allows event managers to give teams the option of selecting their preferred pit location ahead of the event. You can optionally give select teams earlier access to pit selection as an incentive (for example, for providing volunteers). Once you have designed the pit map and entered window open and close times, send each team their pick URL via email. They will be able to make their pit selection at any point within their window.
Prerequisite: A pit map must be configured in Nexus before you can set up Pick-a-Pit
To manage Pick-a-Pit for your event, you will need to be granted the Pick-a-pit manager
role. Email to receive the necessary access.
Once you have access to the event in Nexus, navigate to the Pick-a-Pit management page by clicking the “Pick-a-Pit” option in the volunteer menu.
Set window close time
Set the close time to set a deadline for all teams to make their final pick. After this time, you can export all picks and teams will no longer be able to make any changes.
Set window open times
For each team, set the window open time in the table. Before this time, the team will be able to view the pit map, but not make a selection. After this time, the team will be able to select from any available pit. Stagger the open times sufficiently to ensure teams are able to make picks according to their earned incentive.
If you don’t set a window open time for a team, they will not be able to view the Pick-a-Pit page to make any selection.
Email pick URLs
Once the previous steps are complete, pick URLs can be copied individually from the Pick-a-Pit management page.
Alternatively, you can download a spreadsheet that has the link for each team.
Email or otherwise send each team their unique link along with information about the process.
Do not share a list of all links with all teams- each team must only receive their specific link.
Team selection
When a team opens their pick URL, they will be shown the pit map with current availability annotated. If it is currently after their window open time and before the window close time, they will be able to select a pit from the available options. They can change their selection any number of times up until their window close time.

View picks
On the Pick-a-pit management page, you can view all picks as they are made. Wait until after the window close time before exporting or using the picked pits, as they can still change before this time.