Queue matches in Nexus in order to send teams notifications when it’s time for them to queue.


Any user with the Lead queuer role can queue matches. From the volunteer menu, tap “Queue”.

Match statuses

Each match can have one of the following queuing statuses:

  • Queuing soon: Teams will need to queue for this match in the future, but not yet
  • Now queuing: Teams can queue for this match now, but they still have a few minutes to get here
  • On deck: Teams should be queued for the match, or at least have sent a human member of the drive team if their robot is not ready
  • On field: Teams are actively loading on the field, playing the match, or the match has already completed

Limited queuing space

In some venues, there is not enough space near the field to queue two matches worth of teams. If this applies to your venue, turn on the “Enable queuing single match” option on the settings page. This will skip the “now queuing” state for each match, so that there will only be one match on deck at a time.

Long walks between pits and field

In some venues, pits are very far away from the field (e.g. the world championship). If the time to walk from the furthest pit to the field is longer than ~10 minutes, email contact@frc.nexus to enable queuing an extra match. This will allow you to have two matches in the “Queueing now” state at one time. This setting does not apply during playoffs.


To update the queuing status of matches, you will click (or slide on touchscreens) the main queuing action shown in the blue banner at the bottom of the screen. Additional context is shown next to the action to let you know when to take the action.

For consistency between events, follow the timing instructions as closely as possible. Action is usually required when a match score is posted so you can use the audio cue as a reminder.

When you perform the queuing action, all necessary match statuses will be updated and all teams that are now queuing or on deck will be notified.

Remember: Queuing earlier is not better for the team experience. Queuing consistently is!

Too early

If a match has an explicit queue time set, you will not be allowed to queue that match more than 5 minutes before the start time. Queuing earlier than teams were expecting is bad for their experience. If you absolutely need to queue them earlier, update the match schedule.

Too soon

To prevent accidental double-queuing, you will be warned if you attempt to queue within 4 minutes after a match status was previously updated. Whenever you see this warning, triple-check which match is currently on the field and only proceed when you are sure the condition is met.

If you’re ever unsure what match is happening at any time, ask the scoring table.

Opening ceremonies

At most events, the first match starts as soon after opening ceremonies as possible. Queue the first two matches about 15 minutes before the start of opening ceremonies to provide teams with additional advance warning. These matches are automatically marked for teams as “queue before opening ceremonies” so they can prepare for this in advance.

Teams are not required to be on the field before opening ceremonies if they need additional time.

View estimated match times

Tap on any match status to view estimated match times based on the current match schedule. These estimates are useful for answering team questions about future matches.

Playoff advancement

During playoffs, some queuing actions will require you to enter the winner of the match that just completed. Selecting a winner will automatically add the correct alliances to the next round of playoff matches and, when necessary, automatically queue the next match(es) and notify teams.

If you miss the posted match result, ask the scorekeeper to confirm who won the match.

On touchscreens, move the slider to the left if red won. Move the slider to the right if blue won.

Undo an advancement

If you accidentally set a winner before it is officially announced or if a replay of a playoff match is announced, you can undo the playoffs advancement from the match menu. Tap the “Unset winner” option.

Manual match status updates

For rare edge cases, match statuses can be individually set in the match menu. Overriding match status should only be done in exceptional circumstances. For consistency, always prefer to use the default queue action at the bottom of the main queuing screen.

Some instances where overriding a status may be necessary:

  • A match was incorrectly queued far in advance (>30 minutes)
  • A match does not need to be queued since it has already been played and it needs to go directly to “on field”
  • Matches are being played out of order

Remember: Consistency is key within your event and between all events. Making changes to the defined process is bad for the team experience except in exceptional circumstances.