All volunteers who want to use Nexus at your event must be granted access.


Any existing user who has one of the Admin, Lead Queuer, or Lead Robot Inspector roles can onboard other volunteers.

Show them a QR code

The quickest way to onboard a user in person is by showing them a QR access code.

In the users section of the volunteer menu, select the role you want to grant to the volunteer. Allow the volunteer to scan the QR code.

Each QR access code is valid for 10 minutes, but you can generate a new one if it expires.

Add them by email

Users can be added by entering their email address on the users page and selecting the role you would like to grant them.

If the email address has previously logged into Nexus, they will be instantly authorized. Otherwise, they will be sent an email inviting them to accept your invitation. The invitation doesn’t need to be accepted using the same email address that the email was sent to.

Accept their request

If a volunteer tries to access a page in Nexus that they do not yet have authorization for, they will be prompted to request access. You can view and accept pending access requests on the users page.

Confirm the request actually came from a volunteer who requires that role before accepting.

If there is a pending access request, a yellow indicator will be shown next to the volunteer menu icon in the top right.