
Any user with the Lead queuer role can view and complete queuing tasks on the main queuing dashboard. Tap the tasks icon in the top left to open the tasks panel.


Each task represents a critical part of queuing an event with Nexus. Tasks will let you know what to do to continue to the next step of the event based on the current status.

Here is a summary of tasks you may encounter during your event:

  • Import teams: Usually this task is skipped since teams are imported automatically for most events
  • Print & distribute handouts
  • Import practice schedule: choose whether to import practice matches or run filler-only matches. Practice schedules will be imported automatically when published for most events.
  • Import qualification schedule: Qualification schedules will be imported automatically when published for most events.
  • Set queue time: After matches are imported, set the queue time ASAP so teams know when to come to the field for the first matches
  • Queue matches
  • Confirm break: breaks are automatically added based on the published schedule, but double-check they are correct
  • Request & check off team representatives: This task will be available once the last qualification match is “On deck”
  • Enter alliances: enter each alliance as picks are made during alliance selection

Check tasks regularly to ensure all required queuing processes get completed

Task structure

Blue tasks are required and must be completed to continue to the next task. Some tasks will automatically complete themselves when necessary conditions are met. Completed tasks will be displayed below the currently active tasks, in case you need to perform a previous task action again.

Each task will include a description and one or more of the following:

  • When the task should be completed (next to the clock icon)
  • Action button(s)
  • Input field(s) to configure schedule parameters