Any user with the Lead queuer
role can use these features.
Notify teams to send representatives
Once the last qualification match is “On deck”, the “Request team representatives” queuing task will be available.
Tap the “Send notifications” action in order to immediately send notifications to all teams letting them you are ready for them at the field. Aim to send this notification ~15 minutes before alliance selection is scheduled to start, around when the last match is almost on field.
Check in team representatives
Note: this process is optional. Alliance selection will start whether or not all teams have sent representatives.
On the queuing dashboard, the alliance selection section will appear once the last qualification match is “on deck”. If you want to view this section earlier, tap the menu icon next to the alliance selection break and tap the “Show alliance selection check in” option.
Tap a team number to toggle their check in status.
Enter alliances
Prerequisite: Before entering alliances, ensure you have the correct playoff bracket selected.
As each alliance pick is confirmed, enter teams on the alliances page. Tap the button for the correct alliance row and pick column, and then select the team from the modal.
The highest ranked unpicked team in the modal will be highlighted in yellow.
Manually entering alliances instantly shows the current status of alliance selection to all teams via their dashboard and the pit display. For teams that get added to an alliance, their dashboard will also immediately reflect when their first playoff match will be. Teams appreciate having this information as soon as possible.
See backup teams for more information.
Import alliances
Prefer entering alliances manually when possible.
If alliance selection is already complete, alliances can be imported from the API. Tap the “import from cloud” icon on the alliances page. This import may also happen automatically if you have not yet started entering alliances.