Keep the match schedule up to date so teams have accurate information.

The match schedule in Nexus is dynamic and should be updated throughout the event to ensure it remains accurate. Teams make plans based on estimated queue times, which are directly derived from the Nexus match schedule and current queuing status.


Any user with the Lead queuer role can update the match schedule. From the volunteer menu, tap “Queue”.

Add a break

Tap the menu icon next to the match before the break you want to add. Tap the “Add break after” option.

Set the label for the break using the left selector.

  • Lunch: The lunch break
  • End of day: The break after the last qualification match of the day
  • Alliance selection: The break after the last qualification match
  • Awards break: The 15 minute long breaks during playoffs
  • (Queuing break): A break that is not displayed to teams but allows you to set an explicit queue time for the following match
  • Break: Generic breaks that don’t meet any of the other conditions

Set the queue time for the match after the break.

Don’t include breaks shorter than 15 minutes long in the match schedule

Move a break

In the event of a delay that results in changing where a break falls in the match schedule, select the “Move…” option from the match menu.

Example: Matches before the end of the day are running very late, so it is decided to move up the end of day by 5 matches, and do more matches tomorrow morning

Select the match to move this break after and tap “Move”.

Remove a break

In the event of a delay that results in removing a break from the match schedule completely, select the “Remove break” option from the match menu.

Example: Matches before lunch are running very late, so matches have to continue through lunch with no significant break in the schedule

Update queue time

In the event of a delay that results in changing what time a break will end, change the queue time of the break.

Example: Matches before lunch are running 45 minutes late, so the start time of the first match after lunch is moved 15 minutes later to ensure teams have enough time to eat

Replace a schedule

If FMS generates a new match schedule after one has already been imported into Nexus, you can delete all of the old matches from the manual match import page under the “Danger zone”. The latest schedule will be pulled from the API automatically, or you can force an update from the “import schedule” queuing task.

Remove matches

In the unlikely event that some matches have to be dropped from the schedule completely, select the “Delete match…” option in the match menu.