The team inspection status page will contain a variety of useful information depending on the inspection state of the team and the state of the overall event.


Select the “Inspector” option on the main event page and then tap a team to view their detailed inspection status. Any user with the Inspector role can update inspection data for teams.

Certification details

If the team is certified, a section showing which inspector certified them and when will be displayed at the top.

Assigned inspector

Assign yourself to the team by tapping “Assign yourself” or “Continue inspection”. Meet the team in their pit and continue their inspection.


If you reach the end of the inspection checklist and there are non-trivial items the team must work on to make their robot compliant, tap the “Put on hold” button.

You can also put a team on hold if they want to stop their inspection mid-way and continue later for any reason (e.g. to go to a scheduled practice match).

Inform the team they should let the inspection desk know once they are ready to continue their inspection.

Upcoming match

If the team is scheduled to participate in an upcoming match, the match will be listed along with an estimated time that the team needs to be on field (i.e. the last chance the team has to make the match).

Shared note

Inspectors can enter a note that can be viewed and edited by other inspectors.


Every checklist item from the official inspection checklist is listed, along with the item’s status.

If the checklist item doesn’t yet have a status, you can tap the checkmark button in order to quickly check off the item without leaving the page. Otherwise, tap the link to jump directly to the item.

Sections can be expanded and collapsed by tapping on the section header.


Every inspection action that is taken is logged for audit purposes. View the team’s inspection log by tapping the “Inspection log” link in the bottom left.

Log entries can be filtered by type.