The FTA notepad allows quick and easy tracking of on-field technical issues.
Access the FTA notepad by selecting “FTA notepad” in the volunteer menu. Pull it up on your phone, or leave it open in a tab on the FTA Toughbook. It can be used by any technical volunteer working field side with the Field tech
View team status
The following information will be shown for teams in each match:
- If this is their first time on the field
- If they have not been marked as “checked in” by the queuers
- If they have been marked as “human only” by the queuers
- If they have not passed an initial, complete inspection (when available)
Navigate matches
When “View current match” is enabled, the match displayed will change automatically when the lead queuer queues the next match. Manually navigate between matches by tapping the left and right arrows.
These keyboard shortcuts can also be used:
- , Previous match
- . Next match
- / Current match
Log an issue
To log an issue, tap a team.
Enter any notes. You can also quickly add common notes by tapping the pre-populated options.
After saving the note, it will be displayed in the notepad anytime the team is on the field.
Request a CSA
When logging an issue, toggle the “Request CSA” option. A message will be sent to the CSA Slack channel configured for this event including your notes as context.
Request a reinspection
When logging an issue, toggle the “Request reinspection” option. Inspectors will see a reinspection request for that team until they mark it as resolved. A message will also be sent to the inspector Slack channel, if configured.
Export notes
After your event, you can download the notes for all teams as a CSV. You can include these notes in your event report. If you lose access to your event before you have a chance to export the notes, contact support.