Eliminate the need for paper playoff lineups by entering lineups in Nexus.
This feature is only available at offseason events
Any user with the Queuer
role can enter playoff lineups on the queuing dashboard.
Lineups are kept confidential until the match is marked as on field. Only the scorekeeper view will show lineups for upcoming matches.
Enter a lineup
When the alliance captain arrives at the queue, ask them for their lineup. Once they are ready to give it to you, tap the “Set lineup” button under the lineup you want to set.
Tap a station button in the modal to assign the team in that row to that station. Allow the alliance captain to visually confirm the lineup before you tap “Save”.
Inform the team to let you know if they want to change their lineup. You can change a lineup in Nexus at any time, however changing it after all teams are set up on the field risks delaying the start of the match. Notify the FTA in the event of a late lineup change request.
View an upcoming lineup
Lineups are not shown on the queuing dashboard for upcoming matches to avoid accidentally leaking an alliance’s strategy. To view a lineup someone entered previously, tap the “Update lineup” button. You can then close the modal without making changes.