Event announcements can be posted in order to notify teams of important updates. Teams can view announcements on their dashboard or on a pit display. Teams can also opt-in to receive announcement notifications in a Slack or Discord channel by scanning their Nexus code.


From the volunteer menu, tap “Announcements”. Any user with either the Pit admin or Field tech role can manage announcements.

Post an announcement

Enter your message in the “message” field under the “Event announcements” section. Up to 4 announcements can be active at a time.

As soon as an announcement is posted, it will be displayed to teams. A notification will also immediately be sent to each team that has opted-in to announcement notifications.

Automated announcements

Announcements are automatically made for match replays and alliance selection. Teams are individually notified to queue for their matches, so no queuing announcements of any kind are required.

Announcement quality

All announcements must be high quality to ensure the system remains useful for teams. Each announcement should be short, timely, useful and widely applicable.

Review the following examples for more details.

Bad Good Why
Hello teams, welcome back to the San Francisco Regional! The driver's meeting for all members of the drive team will start at about 9am and will be located on the main field. Thank you and have a great day! The driver's meeting will be at 9am on the field Keep announcements as short as possible- team members are busy and don't have time to read a novel
Inspection will open at 9am tomorrow Inspection is now open- bring your robot to the weigh station to start your inspection Announcements must be timely- if team members don't need the information now or within the next hour, don't post it yet
Safety glasses are required in the pits Don't post Announcements must be useful- if it's not new information, don't post it
John Smith please come to the pit admin desk Don't post Announcements must be widely applicable- if it's not relevant for a majority of team members, don't post it
There is a fire, please evacuate the building Don't post Only post non-urgent announcements. Use other mediums to communicate urgent information
Matches resume at 1pm after lunch Don't post Queuing and match timing information is already built into Nexus- no related announcements need to be posted unless there is a major schedule change

Remove an announcement

As soon as an announcement is no longer relevant for teams, tap the “X” button next to the announcement.