A CSA Slack channel can be used to receive and manage technical support requests at your event.

Set up

Create a private channel for your event on the official FRC CSA Support Slack and add all FTAs, FTAAs, and CSAs. Then from the FTA notepad page, tap the “No CSA Slack channel configured” warning. Complete the Slack authorization workflow by selecting the channel you made earlier.

Once you are redirected back to Nexus, the CSA Slack channel will be connected. A confirmation message will be sent to the channel immediately.

CSA requests

Technical support requests can be filed in several ways and will always be posted as a message in the configured Slack channel. CSAs can use reactions to track the status of each request.

From teams

Teams can submit technical support requests by scanning their Nexus code, tapping the “Request technical help” option, and selecting the issues they need assistance with.

From inspectors

Inspectors can request a CSA to assist with the “software versions” inspection item if a team needs help updating their roboRIO or driver station.

From field techs

CSAs can be requested from the FTA notepad when a team has an on-field technical issue that requires follow-up.