You can create a demo event in Nexus to experience the real system end-to-end before you use it at a real event.


From the events page, tap “Try it out” under the “Demo event” section. You must be logged in with a Google Account to create a demo.


Demo events work like real events, except for the following differences:

  • Only one queuing notification phone number can be added across all teams
  • There is no connection to any API-based data sources- teams, matches, and alliances are fake and randomly generated
  • No warning is shown when queuing matches too soon

Demo events are for… demos only. Real events shouldn’t try to use demos to do anything.


Want to start over? Return to the events page and tap “Reset demo” to restore the event back to its original state.

Occasionally all demo events will be automatically reset so they can take advantage of new features.